Plea for help

I haven't always been such a fine specimen of a fish. As you can see from this photo, when I was younger I was afflicted with neon tetra disease. This terrible ailment affects fish young and old, and can strike at any time. Public prejudice means that sometimes fish with neon tetra disease are shunned in society, or looked upon as inferior fishes. This is not the case, and any fish can get it regardless of species or bowl size.
In the same spirit, I thought I would take this opportunity to highlight some of the worst fish problems and suggest a solution.
White spot disease, a common debilitating disease, is often underrated. It is classed as cosmetic and therefore is not eligible for FHS treatment but can have serious psychological repercussions. If you would like to help, please donate orange felt tip pens to Steve the Fish and I will pass them on to sufferers of White Spot.
Fin Rot, a very serious problem for fish of a certain age, is difficult to treat. However, I have heard of a new product on the market that claims to help. Fish Fingers could provide the solution to this disability as a prosthetic aid to those fish who find their own fins too rotten to use.
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