Monday, October 09, 2006

My X-ray vision

An interesting fact about me is that I'm a goldfish, so I have excellent vision. Goldfish, and another fish and some birds and insects too, can see in infra-red and ultra-violet as well as the visible spectrum mere humans see in. This means, of course, that I can see the infra-red beam of Frank, the TV remote control (most annoying). Some people have even suggested that can see through thin metals, and I can confirm that this is true, but it doesn't tend to come in all that useful.

Another interesting fact about me (being a goldfish) is that I can not only recognise humans, but different ones at that. I know which ones are likely to feed me and which ones are easily tricked into feeding me twice. This can backfire, as I am an opportunistic feeder (like all fish) and if I eat too much my intestines could burst. Yuck.

And of course I have a much longer memory than 30 seconds (or three seconds, as one vicious rumour had it), so don't think I've forgotten...


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