Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Fishmas One & All

Hope I get all the Fisher Price toys I asked Father Fishmas for.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

ManAtee virus software

I haven't blogged in the last couple of days, because I've had a really bad computer virus - clicking pox. When I first saw the red, itchy spots I was tetrafied! It's been a bad few days, actually: first the computer went, then my pen ran out, now I've resorted to pencillin! I hope I don't get lead poisoning. I've tried antibiotics, and I'm sick of living in a bowl of calamine lotion. I'll just have to start from scratch.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Davy Jones' locker

There's been a film out, I hear, about Davy Jones' locker and some pirates or some such. It reminded me of the time when, as a young fish, a cousin of mine got to wondering about this locker and what was actually in it. He asked about it, but no one seemed to know. He decided to find out for himself. And what was in it? Well, he says that all it contained was a monkey suit, Tippex, a shaven raisin and Mickey Dolenz's P45. Don't know what all the fuss is about really.