Monday, August 28, 2006

My holiday reading

What with it being Bank Holiday weekend, it's been rather rainy so I've been staying in and catching up on some reading. Here are some selected titles from my reading list:

'Meat and dairy-based foods' by Scott Cheggs
'Fading away' by Peter Out (Peter's autobiography)
'You must be joking' by Paul Myleg
'How to rock 'n' roll' by Tristan Shout
'Measuring earthquakes' by Derek Terscale
'Prosthetic feet' by Roberto Andheel
'Time for a break' by Tina Biscuit
'Keeping secrets' by Chantelle Ifyoudont
'How to sew' by Fred Needle
'Got no cash' by Wilma Chequedo

So as you can see I'm a fairly eclectic reader, and am now well up on the difficulties of having prosthetic feet and skilled in the arts of rock 'n' roll, sewing and earthquake-measuring. I hope to apply these skills in a real-life situation soon.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

This is a photo of me in my green hat.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lost in the psychedelic sounds of the Doors

Due to the psychedelic sounds of the Doors, I forgot that I had just recently been fed three tasty bits of pillow-formed food by Tony, thus proving the short memory span of goldfish but only when listening to 60s music. I find myself skimming the top in spirals, sending out unrequited bubbles with no promise of food on the horizon. Maybe this is a flashback.